European Projects

Safety assUraNce fRamework for connected, automated mobIlity SystEms (CCAM)
Introduce a disruptive technology that will embed Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) applications
Offline simulation mechanism to recombine and reproduce emulated worlds for safe development of autonomous driving systems

Italian National Projects

Cooperative Obstacle avoidance via V2X communication

Industry Projects and Collaborations

Our research group has a long history of collaboration with industry. We have been involved in several projects with automotive producers or related service companies. The following are examples:

  • STELLANTIS (Italy-France)
  • CRF (Centro Ricerche Fiat S.C.p.A., Italy)
  • DANA Incorporated (Italy)
  • RELab (Italy)
  • AnteMotion (Italy)

We are currently involved in several projects with the motorsport industry on two and four wheels. In addition, we collaborate with tire manufacturers.