Projects and collaborations
European Projects
Safety assUraNce fRamework for connected, automated mobIlity SystEms (CCAM)
Introduce a disruptive technology that will embed Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) applications
Offline simulation mechanism to recombine and reproduce emulated worlds for safe development of autonomous driving systems
Italian National Projects
Industry Projects and Collaborations
Our research group has a long history of collaboration with industry. We have been involved in several projects with automotive producers or related service companies. The following are examples:
- STELLANTIS (Italy-France)
- CRF (Centro Ricerche Fiat S.C.p.A., Italy)
- DANA Incorporated (Italy)
- RELab (Italy)
- AnteMotion (Italy)
We are currently involved in several projects with the motorsport industry on two and four wheels. In addition, we collaborate with tire manufacturers.