SUNRISE (Safety assUraNce fRamework for connected, automated mobIlity SystEms) is a European project founded by European Union’s Horizon Europe Research & Innovation Actions. The project started in Sempember 2022 and will end in August 2025 with a founding of 13.5 million euros.
The SUNRISE project is about safety assurance of Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM) systems. This safety assurance is crucial for their successful adoption and deployment in society. CCAM systems must be reliable in every possible driving scenario. This requires a strong safety argumentation, which remains a significant challenge worldwide.
The project aims to develop and provide a harmonised and scalable CCAM Safety Assurance Framework that fulfils the needs of different automotive stakeholders, for a continuously evolving number of use cases and scenarios.
SUNRISE is undertaken by a multidisciplinary and complementary Consortium of 21 Partners from 6 countries.
The partners are: IDIADA Automotive Technology S.A. (Spain), Renault S.A.S. (France), Centro Ricerche Fiat S.P.c.A. (Italy), TNO (Netherlands), Toyota Motor Europe NV (Belgium), Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany),Renault Espana S.A. (Spain), Institut Vedecom (France),Infineon Technologies AG (Germany), RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB (Sweden), Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH (Austria), Fundacion Centro de Tecnologias de Interaccion Visual y Comunicaciones Vicomtech (Spain), Siemens Industry Software NV (Netherlands), AVL List GmbH (Austria), Universita degli Studi di Trento (Italy), Continental Automotive France SAS (France), European Road Transport Telematics Implementation Coordination Organisation - Intelligent Transport Systems & Services Europe (Belgium), Centre de Visio per Computador (Spain), Erevnitiko Panepistimio Thessalias (Greece), Bundesanstalt fuer Strassenwesen (Germany), Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola AB (Sweden).
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