We are proud to announce that our colleague Davide Stocco has been awarded the Springer NUMTA 2023 Young Researcher Prize​ for the best presentation made by a young scientist at the 4th International Conference and Summer School Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms (NUMTA 2023) held in Pizzo Calabro, Calabria, Italy, June 14-20, 2023.

The Selection Commission was composed of three distinguished professors:

  • Prof. Lou D’Alotto from the City University of New York, USA;
  • Prof. Renato De Leone from University of Camerino, Italy;
  • Prof. Giovanni Fasano from the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy.

His research contains both novel and interesting theoretical and experimental results in the field of Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAEs).

Congratulations Davide!

Stocco Awarding Stocco Awarding Stocco Awarding